I am Professor of Health Economics at University College London, based in the Department of Applied Health Research. I worked previously at the Health Economics Research Group at Brunel University, the Imperial College Business School, and the Department of Economics at City University.
My research interests are primarily in the cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve health across a range of disease areas and population groups, and the determinants of health service use. I am particularly interested in the economics of obesity and have published several papers on this topic.
I have written over 150 academic papers in peer reviewed journals and two major health economics textbooks, most recently the second edition of Economic Analysis in Health Care with David Parkin, Nancy Devlin and Anne Spencer. I am also the joint national organiser of the Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG) and and sit on several major committees at the NIHR and at NICE.
Current professional activities
Professor of Health Economics and Deputy Head of Department, Department of Applied Health Research, UCL
Member, NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Funding Board and NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research expert sub-panel
Joint National Organiser of the Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG)
Some current projects
Reorganising specialist cancer surgery for the 21st century: a mixed methods evaluation (RESPECT-21)
Models of Generalist and Specialist Care in Smaller Acute Hospitals: An Exploratory Study
Liver Resection Surgery Versus Thermal Ablation for Colorectal LiVer MetAstases
Innovations in major system reconfiguration in England: a study of the effectiveness, acceptability and processes of implementation of different models of stroke care
Development and preliminary evaluation of an intervention package to support parents of excessively crying infants
Mixed methods analysis of the London Hyperacute Stroke System: identifying lessons on 24/7 working (METRO-24/7)
Some recent publications
Chitty LS, Wright D, Hill M, Verhoef TI, Daley R, Lewis C, Mason S, McKay F, Jenkins L, Howarth A, Cameron L, McEwan A, Fisher J, Kroese M, Morris S. Uptake, outcomes, and costs of implementing non-invasive prenatal testing for Down’s syndrome into NHS maternity care: prospective cohort study in eight diverse maternity units. BMJ 2016;354:i3426.
Wardle J, von Wagner C, Kralj-Hans I, Halloran SP, Smith SG, McGregor LM, Vart G, Howe R, Snowball J, Handley G, Logan RF, Rainbow S, Smith S, Thomas MC, Counsell N, Morris S, Duffy SW, Hackshaw A, Moss S, Atkin W, Raine R. Effects of evidence-based strategies to reduce the socioeconomic gradient of uptake in the English NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (ASCEND): four cluster-randomised controlled trials. Lancet 2016; 387: 751-9.
Melnychuk M, Solmi F, Morris S. Using compensating variation to measure the costs of child disability in the UK. European Journal of Health Economics 2017 (forthcoming)
Vallejo-Torres L, Morris S. Primary care supply and quality of care in England. European Journal of Health Economics (forthcoming).
Economic Analysis in Health Care
Our textbook, Economic Analysis in Health Care, was co-written with David Parkin, Nancy Devlin and Anne Spencer and is published by Wiley. It is currently in its second edition and was written as a core textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of health economics. The book covers market-related aspects of health economics and econonnic evaluation, and takes an international perspective.